Honey is officially recognized as the best cough medicine

Back in 2018, the UK Department of Health added an article on honey to its guidelines for treating infectious diseases. In it, its effectiveness was recognized even higher than that of antibiotics. And two years later, Oxford University confirmed this with a major study.       A bit of background The benefits of honey and its […]

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In quarantine, the artist creates cool movie scenes from paper and improvised items

We already introduced you to the work of the avid traveler and artist Rich McCore (aka paperboyo), who is known for his witty transformations of the most famous tourist locations in the world. McCor masterfully beats them with his paper clippings. However, during the coronavirus lockdown, he was forced to stay at home, like all of us. However, […]

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Survey Results: 53% of Russian tourists wanted to quarantine in other countries

Canceled flights, closure of borders, quarantine – all these measures necessary to reduce the spread of coronavirus, took many Russian tourists by surprise. And while some desperately tried to return to their homeland, others enjoyed being quarantined in other states. For example, from the fact that they lived in a motor home and traveled through the nature […]

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Incredible experiments by contemporary artists and the history of textiles

Every day we are in touch with the art of textiles. From the clothes we buy or sew, to the various items with which we strive to decorate our homes. Such art can become both beautiful and useful. It was the latter property that was most often valued in history. But contemporary artists have completely changed their view of […]

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