The Great Wall of China is still of great interest to historians. Few people know, but some parts of this grandiose structure are not in China. Fragments of buildings, which are also referred to as the defensive lines of the ancient Chinese state, are located in the east of Mongolia and even in Russia. Scientists from Israel explored the northern part of the ancient fortification and came to the conclusion that it was not built to defend against the attacks of nomads. These structures are not at all like those sections of the wall that tourists visit in China.


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Archaeologists from Israel have concentrated their attention on the northern section of the wall with a length of more than 700 kilometers. For two years, they explored that part of the structure, which is located mainly on the territory of Mongolia. It differs from the rest of the sites and consists of disparate fragments, which are small structures of a rounded or rectangular shape. In their opinion, it is quite low, which does not allow it to perform the functions of a protective structure. But it is great for observing herds of pets, for example.


Researchers suggested that these sections of the wall were not built for defense, but for control and observation. This is not a continuous defensive line, the buildings are located in convenient valleys along which cattle may have been driven. These towers made it possible to count the number of livestock and, probably, calculate the amount of tax, but other goals are not excluded. These fragments of the wall could also serve as customs points that controlled the passage of trade caravans.


The northern sections of the wall are not the most ancient, although they were built using simpler technologies. Their exact age has not been established, but most likely they were built at the end of the 1st millennium AD, when China was going through a period of fragmentation and consisted of different kingdoms ruled by separate dynasties. Perhaps these sections of the wall were built during the Liao dynasty, which was just in the north of modern China and in the east of Mongolia.



The fortifications are not always well read on the ground, so the researchers resorted to aerial photographs. Scientists also used a lot of archival materials to find out the purpose of the northern sections of the wall. These structures are really different from all the famous fragments located in China, so it is very likely that they were built for a different purpose. Perhaps scientists will reconsider their assignment to the Great Wall of China, because if the conclusions of Israeli experts are correct, then the buildings are not part of it.


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