Twenty miles from Lyon in France, in preparation for construction work, a real “princess” was unearthed, although it refers to the Iron Age. So, closer to the point. Workers stumbled upon a grave that is 2800 years old. She belonged to the representative of the fair sex, who lived in the 8th century BC.

The media dubbed her the “princess” because of the jewels that she was wearing when she was buried. Her high social status is beyond doubt. The lady was buried in an oak coffin, which was the prerogative of the upper class. Her arms were spread out to the sides, jewelry was present on her neck.

The dimensions of the tomb were 8.5 feet by 3.5 feet.


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The wrists were decorated with rings of blue and blue-green glass, interwoven with threads of light shades. Glass beads alternated with copper. A woman wore a belt with a buckle made of the same metal. The belt itself was made, most likely, of leather, which rotted over time.

Given the technology of the time, glass products were rare and difficult to manufacture, which is a sure sign of wealth and buried status. Next to it, in addition to the products we mentioned, there are small slides of plates made of material similar to pearls.

The tomb of the “princess” was one of the three found graves belonging to the same period. The other two were a little later, dating back to about the fifth century BC. The remains located in them were most likely cremated. Other graves were marked by four pillars and surrounded by a shallow moat.







Belt buckles found in the tomb 

The plot is divided in half. In one half was a wooden box lined with limestone, in which washed bones and fragments of bracelets were stored. In the other, bones and charcoal from a funeral pyre. It’s difficult to determine by whom they belonged, but copper bracelets and an iron hairpin on the belt indicate that the remains belong to another woman.



Buried in tombs belonged to Hallstatt culture, a civilization that existed in the early Iron Age, between 800 and 450 BC and spread throughout Central Europe. It was distinguished by developed agriculture and interesting monuments.

Civilization has developed out of several tribes that are independent of each other, have no political relations, but are united by trade interests, exchanging a variety of goods, from household items to agricultural implements. Until the Mediterranean Sea, there was trade in metal: tin, copper, iron.