Beauty is a complex concept, and each person is beautiful in his own way. But very rarely you can meet people so beautiful that they take their breath away. It is such an attractive beauty that the eleven-year-old girl Amin Ependiyev from the Chechen town of Kurchaloy has.

Amina has two rare genetic abnormalities: heterochromia and albinism. The first mutation is responsible for the unusual color of the girl’s eyes: with heterochromia, the shade of the iris differs, which makes the eyes completely dissimilar or one eye may have some blotches. This happens when there is an overabundance of melanin in one iris compared to another: that is why the girl has such amazing eyes. Albinism is the absence of melanin, which is responsible for the color of hair and skin. These mutations combined in Amin very harmoniously, and only emphasize her special appearance.

The girl was found by local photographer Amin Arsakova, and it was she who showed her to the world. The pictures of a small model of amazing beauty gained a huge amount of comments from people from different parts of the world: everyone was struck by the unearthly beauty of a teenager. True, not everyone believed that the girl really looked like this: someone suggested that Arsakova used Photoshop, and the girl had colored lenses. But among the users there were residents of Kurchaloy, where the 11-year-old beauty lives, who confirmed that Amina is real and in life she is even more beautiful.


The young model does not yet use social networks, so it’s hard to believe that she really looks so magical, but with such beauty we will probably see Amina Ependieva and hear much more about her when she grows up.