What tricks do women resort to in order to get the attention of high-ranking persons! Outstanding results in this matter were achieved by Françoise d’Aubigne, Marquise de Maintenon. This legendary woman managed to build a career at the court of Louis XIV, going from a simple governess to an morganatic wife. Moreover, she became the favorite of the king after 40 years.


Marquise de Maintenon


For some, she was a calculating predator, for others, an angel in the flesh, a meek sheep. From the very beginning, her life was not easy. Francoise was born in prison, where her parents fell for debt on the orders of Cardinal Richelieu. In addition, his father was suspected of spying for England.

All her youth passed in ordeals. Relatives did not come up with anything better than giving the girl to a nun. But Francoise herself did not agree with this. At age 12, she fled to her father in Martinique, where he settled after leaving prison. Amazing events happened to her: the girl caught a fever, then plunged into a lethargic dream and woke up an hour before her own funeral. The story of the Marquise de Maintenon is the story of Cinderella. Cutlets played an important role in it.

It so happened that in 1660, Francoise was without money. Madame de Montespan, the mother of the children of King Louis XIV, offered her a side job – to become a governess. She did it pretty well. At first, Francoise brought up one illegitimate descendant, and eventually all six.


Portrait of Madame de Montespan


In the meantime, Madame de Montespan, who had become obnoxious over the years, irritated the king more and more. In the end, accused of intent to poison him, she was expelled from Paris.

Francoise did not waste time in vain and every morning sent the king letters with a story about how his children had spent the previous day and what successes had been achieved. More and more, Louis liked to talk with a modest governess. Francoise was well versed in music, literature, painting, theater, as well as cutlets. The following story is connected with cutlets.

A certain Madame de Champwallon decided to get to the king’s heart through his stomach. Once, taking advantage of the lack of a marquise, she cooked lamb cutlets and presented them to the king.


Louis XIV

Tom liked the treat, and he began to show signs of attention. Madame cooked lamb cutlets by laying them between layers of onions and potatoes, then baked in the oven. The Marquise realized that her position had been hit, but she was not going to give up. Well, if he likes lamb cutlets so much, then hold on! She fried meat on both sides, and then poured bechamel sauce, added champignons, bread rolls, poured melted butter and baked in the oven. The king lost interest in Madame de Champwallon. Justice has been restored.