The representatives of the crown in their blood have a love of luxury and expensive holidays, but coronation is a special occasion. True, someone conducts it with restraint, paying tribute to traditions, and someone arranges a celebration incomparable in scope. Here are five of the most luxurious events of our time, arranged in honor of accession to the throne.

1. Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk, King of Bhutan



The coronation lasted four days and took place in the throne room of the capital’s palace, where the king freely communicated with the guests. Family members were present, as well as prominent politicians, including from India: there was very close cooperation between the countries. The celebration included dance performances, traditional sports and archery. Well, the king was also presented with a 100-meter scroll, which was scribbled with verses and other literary works by 418 children from different parts of the kingdom.


2. Akihito, Emperor of Japan


125 The emperor of Japan ascended the throne in 1989 after the death of his father. On the occasion of his coronation, seven banquets were held, which lasted four days, with 3,400 guests. Only the traditional Japanese ritual, in which the emperor prays for the peace and prosperity of the nation, and also offers collected rice to ancestors and gods, was spent 2.2 billion yen.




3. Albert II, Prince of Monaco


The feast in honor of the accession to the throne of Prince Albert II took place in two stages. At first it was a solemn mass, to which 7 thousand guests were invited. The second part took place later, a few months later, and was more intimate: in honor of the holiday, they held a football match, after which guests enjoyed the opera “Journey to Reims” by Rossini. The event ended with a reception at the Hotel De Paris.

4. Maha Wachiralongkorn, King of Thailand



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5. Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei






Hassanal Bolkiah today is known as a great lover of wealth and luxury, so it is not surprising that his coronation was the most outstanding, although it took place more than five decades ago. The coronation took place in 1968, and even small details speak of its luxury. For example, a throne upholstered in tiger skin was made especially for the celebration. Another outstanding detail is the crown of the Sultan, which weighed three kilograms, which is not so easy to keep on the head. Therefore, in order to somehow help the newly-made ruler, they created a golden hand for the chin, which helps support the head. It remains to add that with age, the love of Bolkiah’s luxury only strengthened: he invited Michael Jackson to speak for his 50th birthday. According to rumors, the concert cost him $ 17 million. Well, the Sultan is madly in love with cars, and his palace -The largest residential building in the world.


